27 July 2011

Hartlepool Headland and Central

Leyburn North Yorkshire


21 July 2011

Bracknell former department store

A must for co-op history buffs as the original lino tiles are still in place - a Co-op blue and pale yellow broad zig-zag pattern.

20 July 2011

Norwood Road 2 Branches

17 July 2011

The West End and a dilemma?

At last there is a co-op presence in central London with this store in Store Street.

And I'm not sure if this one should go in.

The 'peoples supermarket' can be explained better by Spiked than by me http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php/site/article/10187/.
To quote from the article "The chief irony with the store, and the show, is in the name. This isn’t the People’s Supermarket at all. This is a pet project set up by a well-known chef and his consultant chum with the support of a Channel 4 production team. How many projects can get their seed money from £150-per-head fundraisers?

The People’s Supermarket illustrates very well the narrowed ambitions of politics today. Once, the idea was that The People would take over society; now all we’ve got is a wacky scheme to take over the local shop. At The People’s Supermarket, it’s not the out-of-date fruit and veg that’s going to waste, but the time, energy and idealism of people who could be doing something more useful instead."